We are delighted to advise that after a complex application process, WGR has been offered a $200,000 Victorian Government grant from the ‘Enabling Tourism’ fund to commission a detailed business case for extending the Railway from Thomson Station to Erica (WGR are also contributing financially).
The aim is to identify the socioeconomic rationale for extending the long closed Erica-Thomson railway as a significantly expanded addition to the Walhalla Goldfields Railway – a not for profit regional tourism asset of 30 years standing which is successfully managed and operated by volunteers.
The business case will be done in partnership with the Collaborative Evaluation and Research Centre (CERC) at Federation University Gippsland campus, under the guidance of a project control group to conduct the body of work. CERC has a multidisciplinary team that has the flexibility and resources to undertake the project. Professor Joanne Porter will lead the
project team and be supported by the Walhalla Goldfields Railway Board as required during the work.
A participatory research and evaluation approach will be utilised in collaboration with key stakeholders, local residents and community groups.
This is a major tourism investment to our region.